
Flocker includes a tool for benchmarking operations. It is called like this:

benchmark/benchmark <options>

The benchmark script has the following command line options:

--cluster <cluster-config>

Specifies a directory containing:

  • cluster.yml - a cluster description file;
  • cluster.crt - a CA certificate file;
  • user.crt - a user certificate file; and
  • user.key - a user private key file.

The format of the cluster.yml file is specified in the Cluster Description File section below.

If this option is not specified, then the benchmark script expects environment variables as set by the acceptance test runner using `run-acceptance-tests --keep.

--config <benchmark-config>

Specifies a file containing configurations for scenarios, operations, and metrics. The format of this file is specified in the Configuration File section below. Defaults to the file ./benchmark.yml.

--samples <integer>

Specifies the number of times to run the benchmark measurements. Defaults to 3.

--scenario <scenario>

Specifies the scenario to run the benchmark under. This is the name of a scenario in the configuration file. Defaults to the name default.

--operation <operation>

Specifies the operation to be benchmarked. This is the name of an operation in the configuration file. Defaults to the name default. The operation is sampled 3 times.

--metric <metric>

Specifies the quantity to measure while the operation is performed. This is the name of a metric in the configuration file. Defaults to the name default.

--userdata <json-data>

Specifies JSON data to be added to the result JSON. If the value starts with @ the remainder of the value is the name of a file containing JSON data. Otherwise, the value must be a valid JSON structure. The supplied data is added as the userdata property of the output result.

Cluster Description File

This file must be named cluster.yml and must be located in the directory named by the --cluster option.

An example file:

 - {public:, private:}
 - {public:, private:}

Configuration File

The benchmark script requires a configuration file describing the possible scenarios, operations, and metrics. Each of these has a name, a type, and possibly other parameters.

An example file:

  - name: default
    type: no-load

  - name: read-request-5
    type: read-request-load
    request_rate: 5

  - name: read-request-10
    type: read-request-load
    request_rate: 10
    sample_size: 10
    timeout: 60

  - name: default
    type: read-request

  - name: wait-10
    type: wait
    wait_seconds: 10

  - name: wait-100
    type: wait
    wait_seconds: 100

  - name: default
    type: wallclock

  - name: cputime
    type: cputime

Scenario Types


No additional load on system.


Create additional load on the system by performing read requests.

Specify the operation to be performed using an additional method property. The value must be the name of a zero-parameter method in the flocker.apiclient.IFlockerAPIV1Client interface, and defaults to version.

Specify the rate of requests to perform per second using an additional request_rate property. The default is 10 requests per second.

Specify the number of samples to be collected when sampling the request rate using an additional sample_size property. The default is 5 samples.

Specify a timeout for establishing the scenario using an additional timeout property. The default is 45 seconds.


Create additional load on the system by performing write requests, specifically a dataset move that has no real effect (target = source).

Specify the rate of requests to perform per second using an additional request_rate property. The default is 10 requests per second.

Specify the number of samples to be collected when sampling the request rate using an additional sample_size property. The default is 5 samples.

Specify a timeout for establishing the scenario using an additional timeout property. The default is 45 seconds.

Operation Types


Create a stateful container and wait for it to be running.

Specify the container image using an additional image property. The container will be started with the default command line. Hence the image must have a long-lived default command line. The default image is clusterhq/mongodb.

Specify the size of the dataset using an additional volume_size property. If specifying a cluster using environment variables, this defaults to the value of the FLOCKER_ACCEPTANCE_DEFAULT_VOLUME_SIZE environment variable. Otherwise, it defaults to a platform-specific value.

Specify the volume mountpoint using an additional mountpoint property. The default is /data.


Create a dataset and wait for it to be mounted.

Specify the size of the dataset using an additional volume_size property. If specifying a cluster using environment variables, this defaults to the value of the FLOCKER_ACCEPTANCE_DEFAULT_VOLUME_SIZE environment variable. Otherwise, it defaults to a platform-specific value.


A no-op operation that performs no action.


Perform a read operation on the control service.

Specify the operation to be performed using an additional method property. The value must be the name of a zero-parameter method in the flocker.apiclient.IFlockerAPIV1Client interface, and defaults to version.


Wait for a number of seconds between measurements.

Specify the number of seconds to wait using an additional wait_seconds property. The default is 10 seconds.

Metric Types


CPU time elapsed. Specify the process names to be monitored using an additional processes property. The value must be a list of process name strings, and defaults to the names of the Flocker services.


Actual clock time elapsed.