Enabling the Flocker Agent Service

The flocker-dataset-agent is the workhorse of Flocker; you should enable and run it on each node in your cluster.

CentOS 7, RHEL 7.2

Run the following commands to enable the agent service:

systemctl enable flocker-dataset-agent
systemctl start flocker-dataset-agent

Ubuntu 16.04

Run the following commands to enable the agent service:

systemctl enable flocker-dataset-agent
systemctl start flocker-dataset-agent

Ubuntu 14.04

Run the following commands to enable the agent service:

service flocker-dataset-agent start

Next Step

This completes the manual installation of Flocker for an integration with Kubernetes.

The next step is to install Kubernetes. Click the button below to open the Kubernetes installation instructions - this will open in a new window:

Install Kubernetes

Or, return to the installation menu.