Setting Up Nodes Using Google Compute Engine

You can get a Flocker cluster running using Google Compute Engine. You’ll need to setup at least two nodes.

  1. Create a new cloud server:

    • Visit the Google Cloud Console.
    • Navigate to the project you want to use.
    • Use the menu in the upper left to navigate to Compute Engine.
    • Click Create Instance.
    • Choose a name and a zone for your instance. Zone must be the same for all instances.
    • Choose a machine type.
    • For the Boot Disk, choose a supported Linux distribution (either RHEL 7, CentOS 7, Ubuntu 16.04 or Ubuntu 14.04) as your image.
    • Under Identity and API Access select Set access for each API and grant Read Write access to Compute.
    • Click Create to create the new instance.
  2. Gain SSH Access:

    You can SSH into the machine either using the in-browser SSH client by clicking SSH on the instances page, or by using the gcloud command line tool.

    gcloud compute --project <project-name> ssh --zone <zone-name> <instance-name>

Next Step

Return to the installation instructions specific to your operating system to install clusterhq-flocker-node on each node in your cluster:

Installing on CentOS 7 Installing on Ubuntu 14.04

Or, return to the installation menu.