REST API Endpoints

Communicating with the API

  • The API is available on port 4523 of the control service, using HTTPS.
  • The client should validate the identity of the server using standard TLS validation, using cluster.crt as the CA certificate.
  • The client should authenticate to the server by using the api.key and api.crt files.

Conditional Requests

When using the API to create, delete or otherwise modify datasets you may wish to do so only if certain conditions apply. For example, the Docker plugin relies on a metadata field called name to locate which dataset to use. The name needs to be unique across all datasets. To ensure uniqueness when creating a dataset called “my-db” we could do the following:

  1. List the datasets in the configuration.
  2. If “my-db” does not appear as the name of a dataset, create a new dataset.

Unfortunately this suffers from a race condition: someone else may create a dataset with name “my-db” in between steps 1 and 2.

The solution is a conditional request mechanism allowing you to say “only do this change if the configuration hasn’t changed since the last time I used it.” The GET /v1/configuration/datasets end point returns an HTTP header X-Configuration-Tag whose contents identify a particular version of the configuration:

X-Configuration-Tag: abcdef1234

Operations that modify the configuration can then include a X-If-Configuration-Matches header with that tag as its contents:

X-If-Configuration-Matches: abcdef1234
  • If the configuration hasn’t changed in the interim then the operation will succeed.
  • If the configuration has changed then the operation will fail with a 412 (Precondition Failed) response code. In this case you would retrieve the configuration again and decide whether to retry or if the operation is no longer relevant.


List known nodes in the cluster

GET /v1/state/nodes

Some nodes may not be listed if their agents are disconnected from the cluster. IP addresses may be private IP addresses that are not publicly routable.

+ Response JSON Schema

Example: A list of the known nodes in a cluster.


GET /v1/state/nodes
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "uuid": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f",
    "host": "",
    "uuid": "7ec3c4eb-6b1c-43da-8015-a163f7d15244",
    "host": "",
Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • host (string) –

    (required) Host

    The IP address of a node in the cluster.

  • uuid (string) –

    (required) Node

    The UUID of a node in the cluster.

Lookup a node by its era

GET /v1/state/nodes/by_era/(era)

If you are talking to the API from a process on a node then this is the recommended way of figuring out the node UUID. Since eras are reset on reboot, looking up by era means you will never get stale pre-reboot state.

You can discover a node’s era by running the flocker-node-era command-line tool on the relevant node. Make sure you don’t cache this information across reboots!

If the era is unknown you will get a 404 HTTP response. In this case retry until the node UUID is returned.

+ Response JSON Schema

Example: Lookup a node by its era, in this case “56780f44-0499-4153-9352-92344b180021”.


GET /v1/state/nodes/by_era/56780f44-0499-4153-9352-92344b180021
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "uuid": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f",
Response JSON Object:
  • uuid (string) –

    (required) Node

    The UUID of a node in the cluster.

Get Flocker version

GET /v1/version

Get the version of Flocker being run.

+ Response JSON Schema

Example: Retrieve the version of the Flocker cluster.


GET /v1/version HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "flocker": "0.4.0"
Response JSON Object:
  • flocker (string) –

    (required) Flocker version

    The software version of Flocker

Get the cluster’s dataset configuration

GET /v1/configuration/datasets

Get the cluster’s dataset configuration.

Includes a X-Configuration-Tag header in the response for use with operations that support X-If-Configuration-Matches.

+ Response JSON Schema

Example: Get a list of all datasets that have been configured for a deployment. These datasets may or may not actually exist on the cluster.


GET /v1/configuration/datasets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  {"dataset_id": "a5f75af7-3fb9-4c1a-81ce-efeeb9f2c788", "primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f", "metadata": {}, "deleted": false},
  {"dataset_id": "886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c", "primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f", "metadata": {"name": "demo", "owner": "alice"}, "deleted": false}
Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • dataset_id (string) –

    Unique identifier

    An opaque identifier, unique across the cluster, identifying a particular dataset. If not given, a new identifier will be generated and returned.

  • deleted (boolean) –


    If true, this dataset has been deleted and its data is no longer guaranteed to exist.

  • maximum_size (integer|null) –

    Maximum size

    The upper limit on how much data the dataset will be allowed to store, as an integer number of bytes.

  • metadata (object) –

    Data about a dataset

    Additional key/value data describing the dataset. These items are not interpreted by Flocker. If not given, no metadata will be associated with the new dataset.

  • primary (string) –

    Primary manifestation (node UUID)

    The UUID of the node which will be given the primary manifestation of the newly created dataset.

Create new dataset

POST /v1/configuration/datasets

Create a new dataset.

Supports X-If-Configuration-Matches header in the request to ensure creation only happens if the configuration hasn’t changed.

+ Request JSON Schema

+ Response JSON Schema

Example: Specifying as few parameters as possible, create a new dataset on the cluster. A node is specified to have the primary manifestation for the new dataset. The unique dataset identifier is automatically generated by the server and returned with the response. When the maximum_size parameter is omitted, the dataset will have a default size of 100GiB. The default may change (issue 2679) so it is advisable to always specify the maximum_size.


POST /v1/configuration/datasets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

{"primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f"}


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

{"dataset_id": "a5f75af7-3fb9-4c1a-81ce-efeeb9f2c788", "primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f", "metadata": {}, "deleted": false}

Example: Create a new dataset with a specified unique identifier instead of letting the server generate it.


POST /v1/configuration/datasets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

{"dataset_id": "ad0a05dd-a1ed-449f-b44b-e1e2757bda00", "primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f"}


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

{"dataset_id": "a5f75af7-3fb9-4c1a-81ce-efeeb9f2c788", "primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f", "metadata": {}, "deleted": false}

Example: Attempt to create a new dataset with a specified unique identifier that is already assigned to a dataset that exists. This results in a failure to create the dataset and an error response.


POST /v1/configuration/datasets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

{"dataset_id": "ad0a05dd-a1ed-449f-b44b-e1e2757bda00", "primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f"}


HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Content-Type: application/json

{"description": "Specified dataset_id already associated with a dataset."}

Example: Create a new dataset that has an upper bound on the amount of data it will store.


POST /v1/configuration/datasets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

{"primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f", "maximum_size": 1073741824}


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

{"dataset_id": "47440eff-e933-4de0-b56c-d3469b61421f", "primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f", "maximum_size": 1073741824, "metadata": {}, "deleted": false}

Example: Create a new dataset with some arbitrary key/value data associated with it.


POST /v1/configuration/datasets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

{"primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f", "metadata": {"name": "demo", "owner": "alice"}}


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

{"dataset_id": "886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c", "primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f", "metadata": {"name": "demo", "owner": "alice"}, "deleted": false}
Response JSON Object:
  • dataset_id (string) –

    Unique identifier

    An opaque identifier, unique across the cluster, identifying a particular dataset. If not given, a new identifier will be generated and returned.

  • deleted (boolean) –


    If true, this dataset has been deleted and its data is no longer guaranteed to exist.

  • maximum_size (integer|null) –

    Maximum size

    The upper limit on how much data the dataset will be allowed to store, as an integer number of bytes.

  • metadata (object) –

    Data about a dataset

    Additional key/value data describing the dataset. These items are not interpreted by Flocker. If not given, no metadata will be associated with the new dataset.

  • primary (string) –

    Primary manifestation (node UUID)

    The UUID of the node which will be given the primary manifestation of the newly created dataset.

Delete an existing dataset

DELETE /v1/configuration/datasets/(dataset_id)

Deletion is idempotent: deleting a dataset multiple times will result in the same response.

Supports X-If-Configuration-Matches header in the request to ensure deletion only happens if the configuration hasn’t changed.

+ Response JSON Schema

Example: Delete a dataset.


DELETE /v1/configuration/datasets/886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

{"dataset_id": "886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c", "primary": "7ec3c4eb-6b1c-43da-8015-a163f7d15244", "deleted": true}

Example: An attempt to delete an unknown dataset results in a 404 Not Found response.


DELETE /v1/configuration/datasets/31d50a07-f679-4f95-ae0d-56c93513fbc2 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json

{"description": "Dataset not found."}
Response JSON Object:
  • dataset_id (string) –

    Unique identifier

    An opaque identifier, unique across the cluster, identifying a particular dataset. If not given, a new identifier will be generated and returned.

  • deleted (boolean) –


    If true, this dataset has been deleted and its data is no longer guaranteed to exist.

  • maximum_size (integer|null) –

    Maximum size

    The upper limit on how much data the dataset will be allowed to store, as an integer number of bytes.

  • metadata (object) –

    Data about a dataset

    Additional key/value data describing the dataset. These items are not interpreted by Flocker. If not given, no metadata will be associated with the new dataset.

  • primary (string) –

    Primary manifestation (node UUID)

    The UUID of the node which will be given the primary manifestation of the newly created dataset.

Update an existing dataset

POST /v1/configuration/datasets/(dataset_id)

This can be used to:

  • Move a dataset from one node to another by changing the primary attribute.
  • In the future this may be used to update metadata, but that is not currently supported.

Supports X-If-Configuration-Matches header in the request to ensure the update only happens if the configuration hasn’t changed.

+ Request JSON Schema

+ Response JSON Schema

Example: Update a dataset with a new primary address. This will effectively move the dataset’s contents, making them accessible on the new primary node.


POST /v1/configuration/datasets/886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

{"primary": "7ec3c4eb-6b1c-43da-8015-a163f7d15244"}


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

{"dataset_id": "886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c", "primary": "7ec3c4eb-6b1c-43da-8015-a163f7d15244", "deleted": false}

Example: An attempt to update an unknown dataset results in a 404 Not Found response.


POST /v1/configuration/datasets/31d50a07-f679-4f95-ae0d-56c93513fbc2 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

{"primary": "7ec3c4eb-6b1c-43da-8015-a163f7d15244"}


HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json

{"description": "Dataset not found."}
Request JSON Object:
  • primary (string) –

    Primary manifestation (node UUID)

    The UUID of the node which will be given the primary manifestation of the newly created dataset.

Response JSON Object:
  • dataset_id (string) –

    Unique identifier

    An opaque identifier, unique across the cluster, identifying a particular dataset. If not given, a new identifier will be generated and returned.

  • deleted (boolean) –


    If true, this dataset has been deleted and its data is no longer guaranteed to exist.

  • maximum_size (integer|null) –

    Maximum size

    The upper limit on how much data the dataset will be allowed to store, as an integer number of bytes.

  • metadata (object) –

    Data about a dataset

    Additional key/value data describing the dataset. These items are not interpreted by Flocker. If not given, no metadata will be associated with the new dataset.

  • primary (string) –

    Primary manifestation (node UUID)

    The UUID of the node which will be given the primary manifestation of the newly created dataset.

List all leases on datasets

GET /v1/configuration/leases

List the currently existing leases on datasets, including which node the lease is for and when if ever the lease will expire.

+ Response JSON Schema

Example: List the leases on datasets in the cluster. Notice how one lease expires in 30 seconds, and one will never expire.


GET /v1/configuration/leases HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "dataset_id": "886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c",
    "node_uuid": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f",
    "expires": null
    "dataset_id": "47440eff-e933-4de0-b56c-d3469b61421f",
    "node_uuid": "7ec3c4eb-6b1c-43da-8015-a163f7d15244",
    "expires": 30
Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • dataset_id (string) –

    (required) Dataset

    An opaque identifier, unique across the cluster, identifying a particular dataset.

  • expires (number|null) –

    (required) Lease Expiration

    The number of seconds until a lease expires, or null to indicate no expiration.

  • node_uuid (string) –

    (required) Node

    The UUID of a node in the cluster.

Acquire a lease on a dataset

POST /v1/configuration/leases

Acquire a lease on a particular dataset on a particular node. Until the lease is released or expires the dataset will not be deleted or moved to other nodes.

+ Request JSON Schema

+ Response JSON Schema

Example: Acquire a lease that does not expire.


POST /v1/configuration/leases HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "dataset_id": "886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c",
  "node_uuid": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f",
  "expires": null


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

  "dataset_id": "886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c",
  "node_uuid": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f",
  "expires": null

Example: Acquire a lease that expires in 30 seconds.


POST /v1/configuration/leases HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "dataset_id": "47440eff-e933-4de0-b56c-d3469b61421f",
  "node_uuid": "7ec3c4eb-6b1c-43da-8015-a163f7d15244",
  "expires": 30


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json

  "dataset_id": "47440eff-e933-4de0-b56c-d3469b61421f",
  "node_uuid": "7ec3c4eb-6b1c-43da-8015-a163f7d15244",
  "expires": 30

Example: If a lease on a particular dataset is for one node, you can’t acquire a lease on the same dataset on a different node.


POST /v1/configuration/leases HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "dataset_id": "47440eff-e933-4de0-b56c-d3469b61421f",
  "node_uuid": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f",
  "expires": null


HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Content-Type: application/json

  "description": "Lease already held."

Example: If a lease on a particular dataset is re-acquired with the same node you can renew the lease and extend its expiration.


POST /v1/configuration/leases HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

  "dataset_id": "47440eff-e933-4de0-b56c-d3469b61421f",
  "node_uuid": "7ec3c4eb-6b1c-43da-8015-a163f7d15244",
  "expires": 60


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "dataset_id": "47440eff-e933-4de0-b56c-d3469b61421f",
  "node_uuid": "7ec3c4eb-6b1c-43da-8015-a163f7d15244",
  "expires": 60
Request JSON Object:
  • dataset_id (string) –

    (required) Dataset

    An opaque identifier, unique across the cluster, identifying a particular dataset.

  • expires (number|null) –

    (required) Lease Expiration

    The number of seconds until a lease expires, or null to indicate no expiration.

  • node_uuid (string) –

    (required) Node

    The UUID of a node in the cluster.

Response JSON Object:
  • dataset_id (string) –

    (required) Dataset

    An opaque identifier, unique across the cluster, identifying a particular dataset.

  • expires (number|null) –

    (required) Lease Expiration

    The number of seconds until a lease expires, or null to indicate no expiration.

  • node_uuid (string) –

    (required) Node

    The UUID of a node in the cluster.

Release a lease on a dataset

DELETE /v1/configuration/leases/(dataset_id)

This will release a lease on a dataset, allowing the dataset to be moved elsewhere, deleted and otherwise modified. Releasing the lease does not modify the dataset in any way, it simply allows other operations to do so.

+ Response JSON Schema

Example: Release a lease on a dataset.


DELETE /v1/configuration/leases/886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "node_uuid": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f",
    "dataset_id": "886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c",
    "expires": null
Response JSON Object:
  • dataset_id (string) –

    (required) Dataset

    An opaque identifier, unique across the cluster, identifying a particular dataset.

  • expires (number|null) –

    (required) Lease Expiration

    The number of seconds until a lease expires, or null to indicate no expiration.

  • node_uuid (string) –

    (required) Node

    The UUID of a node in the cluster.

Get current cluster datasets

GET /v1/state/datasets

The result reflects the control service’s knowledge, which may be out of date or incomplete. E.g. a dataset agent has not connected or updated the control service yet.

+ Response JSON Schema

Example: Get a list of all datasets in a deployment. This includes manifest (attached) and non-manifest (unattached) datasets. For example, a dataset on a block device that has been created, but is not attached to any machine, is a non-manifest dataset. The primary and path values will not be present for non-manifest datasets.


GET /v1/state/datasets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

[{"dataset_id": "47440eff-e933-4de0-b56c-d3469b61421f",
  "primary": "cf0f0346-17b2-4812-beca-1434997d6c3f",
  "maximum_size": 1073741824,
  "path": "/flocker/somearbitrarypath"},
 {"dataset_id": "886ed03a-5606-453a-94a9-a1cbaf35164c",
  "maximum_size": 1073741824}]
Response JSON Array of Objects:
  • dataset_id (string) –

    (required) Unique identifier

    An opaque identifier, unique across the cluster, identifying a particular dataset. If not given, a new identifier will be generated and returned.

  • maximum_size (integer|null) –

    Maximum size

    The upper limit on how much data the dataset will be allowed to store, as an integer number of bytes.

  • path (string) –

    Node mount path

    The filesystem path where the dataset is mounted on a node. Can only be present in cluster state, not in configuration.

  • primary (string) –

    Primary manifestation (node UUID)

    The UUID of the node which will be given the primary manifestation of the newly created dataset.