Building Omnibus Packages

Flocker depends on a number of Python packages which aren’t available in its supported operating systems, or newer versions than are available there. So the build-package script bundles those packages into the operating system packages. We refer to these as “Omnibus” packages.

To build omnibus packages, create a VirtualEnv and install Flocker then its release dependencies:

cd /path/to/flocker
mkvirtualenv flocker-packaging
pip install --requirement requirements/admin.txt

Then run the following command from a clean checkout of the Flocker repository:

./admin/build-package --distribution=centos-7 $PWD

The distribution can be any of the supported distributions (see ./admin/build-package --help for a list). This will generate three packages files in the current working directory. E.g.


    This package will install Flocker (and all its Python dependencies) into /opt/flocker.


    This meta-package will install all the dependencies needed to run the Flocker client scripts.


    This meta-package will install all the dependencies needed to run the Flocker scripts. It will also install symbolic links in /usr/sbin for all the Flocker node related scripts.

Instructions for Distribution Maintainers

Flocker also includes a spec file for generating RPMs which comply with the CentOS packaging guidelines.

This is provided as a template for prospective maintainers who may wish to include Flocker in their RPM distribution.

To build Flocker RPMs from the spec file, run the following commands:

python sdist
python generate_spec
cp dist/Flocker-$(python --version).tar.gz ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES
sudo yum-builddep flocker.spec
rpmbuild -ba flocker.spec

The commands above require the rpmdevtools and yum-utils packages installed.

Package Hosting

New packages are hosted on Amazon S3 in directories in the clusterhq-archive bucket.

CentOS, Ubuntu, and python client packages as well as node packages are hosted on Amazon S3.


For each distribution, there are <distribution> and <distribution>-testing folders. Each contains sub-folders for the distribution version and architecture, which finally contain package repositories.

To make the entire bucket public, this bucket has the following policy:

     "Version": "2008-10-17",
     "Id": "PolicyForPublicAccess",
     "Statement": [
                     "Sid": "1",
                     "Effect": "Allow",
                     "Principal": "*",
                     "Action": "s3:GetObject",
                     "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::clusterhq-archive/*"

A policy can be set by going to a bucket’s “Properties”, “Permissions”, then “Add bucket policy”.

clusterhq-release package

RPM-based distributions tend to bundle yum repository definitions in *-release packages.

There are meta-packages which contain the yum repository definitions for

To build and upload these packages, set up awscli with S3 credentials on a machine with the operating system for which the package is for. Go to the relevant directory in admin/release-packaging and run:

# The basename is the name (not the full path) of the current directory.
# Package creation files are in directories which match their equivalent S3 keys.
export S3KEY=$(basename "$PWD")
rpmbuild --define="_sourcedir ${PWD}" --define="_rpmdir ${PWD}/results" -ba clusterhq-release.spec
aws s3 cp --acl public-read results/noarch/$(rpm --query --specfile clusterhq-release.spec --queryformat '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}').noarch.rpm s3://clusterhq-archive/${S3KEY}/clusterhq-release$(rpm -E %dist).noarch.rpm


Fedora packages were published to Amazon S3 up to but not including version 0.9.0.

Old versions of Flocker for Fedora 20 (until 0.3.2) are hosted on Google Cloud Storage. The legacy ClusterHQ release package creation files and other packages which were formerly necessary are in

Old versions of Flocker source and binary distributions are hosted on Google Cloud Storage.

Building Docker Images

The Docker images: flocker-dataset and flocker-control are built automatically by our CI system. They are tagged with the Git revision hash and uploaded to


To build the Docker image for flocker-dataset-agent, run:

export FLOCKER_VERSION=1.15.0
docker build \
    --rm \
    --tag "clusterhqci/flocker-dataset-agent:${FLOCKER_VERSION}" \
    --build-arg "FLOCKER_VERSION=${FLOCKER_VERSION}-1" \

You can also build the latest version of Flocker from a custom repository:

docker build \
    --rm \
    --tag "clusterhqci/flocker-dataset-agent:master" \
    --build-arg "FLOCKER_REPOSITORY=" \

To check the image, run the container with the argument `--version`:

docker run --rm clusterhq/flocker-dataset-agent:master --version

To run the container:

docker run \
    --net host \
    --privileged \
    --volume /flocker:/flocker:shared \
    --volume /etc/flocker:/etc/flocker:ro \
    --volume /dev:/dev \
    --detach \


The flocker-control Docker image is built using the same docker build ... command line as for flocker-dataset-agent but substituting the control.

To run the flocker-control container:

docker run \
    --name flocker-control \
    --net host \
    -p 4523:4523 \
    -p 4524:4524 \
    --volume /var/lib/flocker:/var/lib/flocker  \
    --volume /etc/flocker:/etc/flocker:ro \
    --detach \


The flocker-docker-plugin Docker image is built using the same docker build ... command line as for flocker-dataset-agent but substituting the docker-plugin.

To run the flocker-docker-plugin container:

docker run \
    --name flocker-docker-plugin \
    --net host \
    --volume /etc/flocker:/etc/flocker:ro \
    --detach \
    clusterhqci/flocker-docker-plugin:master \